Discover the rich history of the Tom Ford brand, including its renowned eyewear collection tailored for both women and men.
Author Archives: charlotte
Summer Trend: Olympic Eyewear
We all have our eyes on this year’s Olympians. This is the eyewear we’re expecting to see at the 2024 Summer Olympics!
What Does “Nearsighted” Mean?
Nearsightedness is the common way to refer to Myopia. Find out what it is, why it happens and how you can treat it.
Brand Spotlight: Prada
Discover the captivating history, impeccable quality and timeless iconic designs from Prada in our exclusive brand spotlight.
When Are Polarised Sunglasses Most Useful?
Unlock the power of polarised sunglasses and discover where to use them.
The History and Evolution of Progressive Lenses
Discover how the progressive lens came to be and how it’s been improved since its early days.
Valentine’s Day Gift Guide
Buying Valentine’s Day gifts is hard. We’ve picked out some frames we’re sure your special someone will love so you don’t have to!
What are Computer Glasses?
What are Computer Glasses? What type of glasses are best for computer use? | What is the difference between computer glasses and regular glasses? | How do they work? Find out how computer glasses work and the difference between computer glasses and regular glasses. Contents Computer glasses, also called computer reading glasses, are prescription glasses …
How To Get Used to Glasses
A new, or first, pair of glasses can take some getting used to. Find out if you’re experiencing the normal adjustment process or if there may be a problem with your glasses.
When were Glasses invented
We probably take glasses for granted nowadays as they’re so readily available, but that wasn’r alwaysthe case. Read up on the history of this life changing invention.